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Multimodal News Story Segmentation., и . IHCI, стр. 95-101. Springer India, (2009)Efficient Hiearchy Entity Classifier Using Conditional Random Fields, и . Proceedings from the Workshop on Ontology Learning and Population: Bridging the Gap between Text and Knowledge (with Coling.ACL 2006), стр. 41 -- 48. Sydney, Australia, (2006)News story segmentation in multiple modalities., , , и . Multimedia Tools Appl., 48 (1): 3-22 (2010)7th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop March 28--29, 2007 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium., , и . SIGIR Forum, 41 (2): 121-122 (2007)Mining Opinions in Blogs, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.. CORIA, стр. 2. LSIS-USTV, (2009)Summarizing court decisions.. Inf. Process. Manag., 43 (6): 1748-1764 (2007)Introduction to the special issue on question answering., и . Inf. Process. Manag., 47 (6): 805-807 (2011)A Survey of Automated Hierarchical Classification of Patents., и . Professional Search in the Modern World, том 8830 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, (2014)Using Biased Discriminant Analysis for Email Filtering., и . KES (1), том 6276 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 566-575. Springer, (2010)Linking content in unstructured sources.. WWW, стр. 1357-1358. ACM, (2010)