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Self-Stabilizing Distributed Algorithm for Strong Matching in a System Graph., , , и . HiPC, том 2913 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 66-73. Springer, (2003)1, 2-sets in graphs., , , и . Discret. Appl. Math., 161 (18): 2885-2893 (2013)Irredundant and perfect neighbourhood sets in trees., , , и . Discret. Math., 188 (1-3): 253-260 (1998)Gallai theorems for graphs, hypergraphs, and set systems., , и . Discret. Math., 72 (1-3): 35-47 (1988)Domination Subdivision Numbers., , , , , и . Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 21 (2): 239-253 (2001)Minimum broadcast graphs., , , и . Discret. Math., 25 (2): 189-193 (1979)Rectilinear Steiner Trees in Rectangle Trees., , и . SIAM J. Algebraic Discret. Methods, 1 (1): 70-81 (1980)Bibliography on domination in graphs and some basic definitions of domination parameters., и . Discret. Math., 86 (1-3): 257-277 (1990)A linear algorithm for disjoint matchings in trees., , и . Discret. Math., 21 (2): 129-136 (1978)Anonymous Daemon Conversion in Self-stabilizing Algorithms by Randomization in Constant Space., , , и . ICDCN, том 4904 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 182-190. Springer, (2008)