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Controllability of Population Characteristics of IPD Game Players on the Spatial Structure., and . AAAI Fall Symposium: Interaction and Emergent Phenomena in Societies of Agents, volume FS-06-05 of AAAI Technical Report, page 119-126. AAAI Press, (2006)Understanding the effect of life-like interface agents through users' eye movements., , , , and . ICMI, page 108-115. ACM, (2005)Speedup of hypothetical reasoning by experience-based learning mechanism., and . Knowl. Based Syst., 7 (3): 189-198 (1994)Prolog-ELF Incorporating Fuzzy Logic., and . IJCAI, page 701-703. Morgan Kaufmann, (1985)WebBeholder: A Revolution in Tracking and Viewing Changes on The Web by Agent Community., and . WebNet, AACE, (1998)Textual Affect Sensing and Affective Communication., , and . Int. J. Cogn. Informatics Nat. Intell., 6 (4): 81-102 (2012)Improved Coherent Detection of GMSK., and . IEEE Trans. Commun., 32 (3): 308-311 (1984)Empathy for Max human-computer interaction., , , and . AMT, page 541-545. IEEE, (2005)Formation of Cooperative Behavior among Information Agents in Web Repository Change Monitoring Service., and . CIA, volume 1652 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 101-112. Springer, (1999)GDQA: Graph Driven Question Answering System - NTCIR-4 QAC2 Experiments., , and . NTCIR, National Institute of Informatics (NII), (2004)