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Context discovery in sensor networks., , , and . ITRE, page 2-6. IEEE, (2005)The Time Machine in NoSQL., , , , and . ICS, volume 274 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, page 1317-1326. IOS Press, (2014)A Tree-Based Peer-to-Peer Network with Quality Guarantees., and . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 19 (8): 1099-1110 (2008)Load Rebalancing for Distributed File Systems in Clouds., , , and . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 24 (5): 951-962 (2013)Bristle: A Mobile Structured Peer-to-Peer Architecture., and . IPDPS, page 33. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Small-World Social Relationship Awareness in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks., , and . ICPADS, page 770-775. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)OBN: Peering for Finding Suppliers in P2P On-demand Streaming Systems., , , and . ICPADS (1), page 235-242. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)A Tree Model for Structured Peer-to-Peer Protocols., and . CCGRID, page 336-343. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)The Peering Problem in Tree-Based Master/Worker Overlays., and . GPC, volume 3947 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 83-92. Springer, (2006)Bridging the Gap between Big Data System Software Stack and Applications: The Case of Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Foundries., , , , and . IEEE BigData, page 1865-1874. IEEE, (2018)