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Contagion and trade: Why are currency crises regional?, и . Journal of International Money and Finance, 18 (4): 603--617 (августа 1999)Does a currency union affect trade?: The time-series evidence, и . European Economic Review, 46 (6): 1125--1151 (июня 2002)Global price dispersion: Are prices converging or diverging?, и . Journal of International Money and Finance, 26 (5): 703--729 (сентября 2007)Productivity, tradability, and the long-run price puzzle, , и . Journal of Monetary Economics, 53 (8): 2041--2066 (ноября 2006)Real exchange rate effects of monetary disturbances under different degrees of exchange rate flexibility: An empirical analysis, , и . Journal of International Economics, 38 (3-4): 249--273 (мая 1995)Capital controls and exchange rate instability in developing economies, и . Journal of International Money and Finance, 24 (3): 387--412 (апреля 2005)Global versus country-specific productivity shocks and the current account, и . Journal of Monetary Economics, 35 (1): 159--192 (февраля 1995)Real exchange rate effects of monetary shocks under fixed and flexible exchange rates, и . Journal of International Economics, 28 (3-4): 267--290 (мая 1990)The role of information acquisition and financial markets in international macroeconomic adjustment, и . Journal of International Money and Finance, 5 (3): 257--283 (сентября 1986)Foreign reserve and money dynamics with asset portfolio adjustment: international evidence, и . Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 10 (3-4): 229--247 (декабря 2000)