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Scenarios, State Machines, and Purpose-Driven Testing

, , and . 4th International Workshop on Scenarios and State Machines: Models, Algorithms and Tools (SCESM'05), page 1--5. St. Louis, MI, (May 2005)
DOI: 10.1145/1083183.1083185

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Improving and refining programs by program manipulation., , and . ACM Annual Conference, page 509-516. ACM, (1976)Techniques and advantages of using the formal compiler writing system FSL to implement a Formula Algol compiler., , , and . AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference, volume 28 of AFIPS Conference Proceedings, page 241-252. AFIPS / Spartan Books / ACM, (1966)Initial thoughts on rapid prototyping techniques., and . Rapid Prototyping, page 160-166. ACM, (1982)Scenarios, State Machines, and Purpose-Driven Testing, , and . 4th International Workshop on Scenarios and State Machines: Models, Algorithms and Tools (SCESM'05), page 1--5. St. Louis, MI, (May 2005)Data Structures, Algorithms, and Software Principles in C. Addison-Wesley, (1995)Arcturus: A Prototype Advanced Ada Programming Environment., and . Software Development Environments (SDE), page 57-64. ACM, (1984)SIGPLAN Notices 19 (5), May 1984.The future of automatic programming (Abstract of presentation).. AFIPS National Computer Conference, volume 47 of AFIPS Conference Proceedings, page 707. AFIPS Press, (1978)Report of the NSF undergraduate computer science education workshop., and . ACM SIGCSE Bull., 20 (3): 57-64 (1988)PPL - an extensible language that failed.. International Symposium on Extensible Languages, page 144-145. ACM, (1971)Data structures, algorithms, and software principles.. ACM, (1994)