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Cigarette taxation: Raising revenues and reducing consumption

, and . Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 3 (2): 321--335 (December 1992)

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The scientific method and scientific inquiry: tension as in teaching and learning., , , and . ICLS (2), page 374-381. International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2008)Dominance-solvable common-value large auctions., and . Games Econ. Behav., 73 (2): 301-309 (2011)Social Attributes and Strategic Equilibrium: A Restaurant Pricing Game, and . Journal of Political Economy, 102 (4): 822 (Jan 1, 1994)doi: 10.1086/261956.Almost common values auctions revisited, and . European Economic Review, 49 (5): 1125--1136 (July 2005)Bad news can be good news: Early dropouts in an English auction with multi-dimensional signals, , and . Economics Letters, 95 (3): 462--467 (June 2007)Individual bidder behavior in first-price private value auctions, and . Economics Letters, 19 (2): 125--128 (1985)Auctions with synergy and resale., , and . Int. J. Game Theory, 41 (2): 397-426 (2012)Equilibrium bid functions for auctions with an uncertain number of bidders, , and . Economics Letters, 33 (1): 35--40 (May 1990)Behavior in Multi-Unit Demand Auctions: Experiments with Uniform Price and Dynamic Vickrey Auctions, and . Econometrica, 69 (2): 413--454 (60 03 2001)doi: 10.1111/1468-0262.00197.Common Value Auctions with Insider Information, and . Econometrica, 67 (5): 1219--1238 (244 09 1999)doi: 10.1111/1468-0262.00074.