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Adoption of Pervasive e-Health Solutions: The Need For an Appropriate Regulatory Framework.

, , and . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2012)

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The S'ANT Approach to Facilitate a Superior Chronic Disease Self-Management Model., , and . InnovaInt. J. Actor Netw. Theory Technol. Innov., 1 (4): 21-34 (2009)Sustaining Better Glucose Control., , , and . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2019)Transforming online communities into support environments for chronic disease management through cell phones and social networks., and . Int. J. Netw. Virtual Organisations, 7 (6): 581-591 (2010)A Pervasive Technology Solution for Diabetes Using Gestational Diabetes as a Model., , , , and . AMCIS, page 52. Association for Information Systems, (2010)The Advantages Of Mobile Solutions For Chronic Disease Management., , and . PACIS, page 214. Queensland University of Technology, (2011)A Framework for Delivering M-health Excellence., and . Bled eConference, page 2. (2005)DiaMonD: Developing a Diabetes Monitoring Device in the Australian Context., , and . Bled eConference, page 26. (2010)Adoption of Pervasive e-Health Solutions: The Need For an Appropriate Regulatory Framework., , and . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2012)Applying a Pervasive Technology Solution to Facilitate Better Healthcare Delivery to Native American Patients: The Example of DiaMonD., , , and . HICSS, page 1-10. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Cloud-based diabetes coaching platform for diabetes management., , and . BHI, page 610-611. IEEE, (2016)