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Other publications of authors with the same name

Design of an Automated System for Clustering Heterogeneous Data., , , and . IADIS European Conf. Data Mining, page 82-86. IADIS, (2008)On using the Normalized Compression Distance to Cluster Web Search Results., , , and . ICSOFT (1), page 293-298. SciTePress, (2010)Cloud-based mobile asset management solution., , , and . ECAI, page 71-74. IEEE, (2014)Deploying blockchain technology for storing digital diplomas., , , and . CSCS, page 322-327. IEEE, (2021)Biomedical data correlation and reuse in analyzing the efficiency of rehabilitation treatment., , and . IRI, page 127-130. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, (2008)The risks in the social networks - An exploratory study., , and . IDAACS, page 974-977. IEEE, (2017)A Service-Oriented Alarms System for Intelligent Building Management., , and . CSCS, page 425-429. IEEE, (2013)Cloud based Student Transportation Safety System., , and . ECAI, page 49-54. IEEE, (2014)The use of social platforms and personal data protection - An exploratory study., , and . RoEduNet, page 1-5. IEEE, (2017)Cloud-based application development platform for secure, intelligent, interlinked and interactive infrastructure., , and . SACI, page 473-476. IEEE, (2013)