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Software Process Modeling: Principles of Entity Process Models., и . ICSE, стр. 331-342. IEEE Computer Society / ACM Press, (1989)Three Process Perspectives: Organizations, Teams, and People. Annals of Software Engineering, 14 (1): 39--72 (декабря 2002)Software Process Development and Enactment: Concepts and Definitions., и . ICSP, стр. 28-40. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)Modelling implications of the personal software process.. ISPW, стр. 74-77. IEEE Computer Society, (1989)The IBM Large-Systems Software Development Process: Objectives and Direction. IBM Systems Journal, 24 (2): 76-78 (1985)What do we know about programming?. ESP, стр. 224-232. ACM, (1997)The Personal Process in Software Engineering.. CSEE, том 895 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 447-447. Springer, (1995)A discipline for software engineering.. Series in software engineering Addison-Wesley, (1995)The Impending Changes in Software Education., и . IEEE Software, 19 (5): 22-24 (2002)New Year's Resolutions for Software Quality., , , , , , , , , и . IEEE Softw., 21 (1): 12-13 (2004)