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A Novel Categorical Approach to Semantics of Relational First-Order Logic., , и . Symmetry, 12 (10): 1584 (2020)Natural Semantics for Domain-Specific Language., и . ADBIS (Short Papers), том 1450 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 181-192. Springer, (2021)Some New Approaches in Functional Programming Based on Categories., , и . CEFP, том 7241 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 517-532. Springer, (2011)Towards the Knowledge in Coalgebraic Model of IDS., и . Comput. Informatics, 33 (1): 61-78 (2014)Abstract Machine for Operational Semantics of Domain-Specific Language., , и . ADBIS (Short Papers), том 1652 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 413-424. Springer, (2022)Operational semantics in a domain-specific robot control language: A pedagogical use case., и . Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst., 21 (3): 1077-1095 (2024)