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Just-in-Time Compilation and Link-Time Optimization for OpenMP Target Offloading., , , , и . IWOMP, том 13527 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 145-158. Springer, (2022)Nachhaltige Entwicklung. Ed. Sigma, Berlin, (1995)Vollgeld. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, (1998)Technokratie oder Menschlichkeit. Perspektiven der Humanität Achberger Verl., Achberg, (1978)Breaking the Vendor Lock: Performance Portable Programming through OpenMP as Target Independent Runtime Layer., , , , , , и . PACT, стр. 494-504. ACM, (2022)Precision and Performance Analysis of C Standard Math Library Functions on GPUs., , , и . SC Workshops, стр. 892-903. ACM, (2023)OpenMP Reverse Offloading Using Shared Memory Remote Procedure Calls., и . IWOMP, том 14114 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 226-238. Springer, (2023)A Case Study of LLVM-Based Analysis for Optimizing SIMD Code Generation., , , , и . IWOMP, том 12870 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 142-155. Springer, (2021)Direct GPU Compilation and Execution for Host Applications with OpenMP Parallelism., , , , и . LLVM-HPC@SC, стр. 43-51. IEEE, (2022)Unternehmen Umwelt. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main, (1991)