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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Convergence, divergence and changing trade patterns. International economics and institutions Physica-Verl., Heidelberg, (1995)International competition, growth and welfare, und . European Economic Review, 45 (8): 1439--1459 (August 2001)Where Did All the Unemployed Go? Non-Standard Work in Germany after the Hartz Reforms., und . (Juni 2017)Corrigendum to Öptimal saving under Poisson uncertainty" J. Econ. Theory 87 (1999) 194-217.. J. Econ. Theory, 140 (1): e5-e9 (2008)How to get tenured (in Germany, in Economics), , und . 75. (2007)Publish or perish?. The increasing importance of publications for prospective economics professors in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, , und . German economic review, (2008)International competition, downsizing and wage inequality, und . Journal of International Economics, 73 (2): 396--406 (November 2007)The economic determinants of technology shocks in a real business cycle model. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 27 (1): 1--28 (November 2002)The empirics of trade and growth, und . European economy European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, Brussels, (2004)Estimating Incentive and Welfare Effects of Non-Stationary Unemployment Benefits, und . International Economic Review, 54 (4): 1159--1198 (2013)