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Analytical Incremental Learning: Fast Constructive Learning Method for Neural Network., , , , , и . ICONIP (2), том 9948 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 259-268. (2016)A Survey of Learning Style Detection Method using Eye-Tracking and Machine Learning in Multimedia Learning., , , и . CcS, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2020)Unsupervised software defect prediction using median absolute deviation threshold based spectral classifier on signed Laplacian matrix., , и . J. Big Data, (2019)Work in progress: Application of unsupervised learning method toward student's metacognition assessment., , , и . EDUCON, стр. 1175-1178. IEEE, (2016)Handling Data Imbalance Using Text Augmentation For Classifying Public Complaints., , и . IC3INA, стр. 284-289. IEEE, (2023)Applying Link Grammar Formalism in the Development of English-Indonesian Machine Translation System., , и . AISC/MKM/Calculemus, том 5144 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 17-23. Springer, (2008)Deep residual coalesced convolutional network for efficient semantic road segmentation., и . MVA, стр. 378-381. IEEE, (2017)AES S-box construction using different irreducible polynomial and constant 8-bit vector., , и . DSC, стр. 366-369. IEEE, (2017)Hybrid Filtering Algorithm in Event Manager Partner Recommendation System., , , и . SIET, стр. 182-187. ACM, (2022)Recommendation Algorithm Using Clustering-Based UPCSim (CB-UPCSim)., , и . Comput., 10 (10): 123 (2021)