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GridSAT: Grid enabled Satellite Architecture for Reliable Transmissions., , , , , и . ISWCS, стр. 634-638. IEEE, (2005)SRDP-Sign: a reliable multicast protocol for signaling., , и . NOMS, стр. 779-782. IEEE, (2008)LIT: Rule Based Italian Lemmatizer., , и . IntelliSys (2), том 1038 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 395-404. Springer, (2019)Design of the satellite reliable distribution protocol (SRDP)., , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 3284-3289. IEEE, (2003)Network Management via Satellite., , и . NOMS, IEEE, (2006)Fast Re-establishment of QoS with NSIS Protocols in Mobile Networks., , , и . ICOIN, том 5200 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 355-364. Springer, (2007)CHARMS: Cooperative hybrid architecture for relaying multicast satellite streams to sites without a satellite receiver., , , и . WCNIS, стр. 269-276. IEEE, (2010)Improvement of performance in MPLS domains by using caching and aggregation of CR-LSP., , и . Net-Con, том 235 из IFIP Conference Proceedings, стр. 267-272. Kluwer, (2002)Architecture of QOSMIC - A QoS Manager for Internet Connections., , , и . PROMS, том 2213 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 12-22. Springer, (2001)Fast optimized smooth handoff (FOSH)., , , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 3937-3941. IEEE, (2004)