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A High-performance CAN-like Arbitration Scheme for EtherCAT., , , и . ETFA, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2009)Evaluation of Real-time Communication Performance in QoS-enabled Infrastructure WLANs., , , и . ETFA, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2009)Performance evaluation and improvement of the CPU-CAN controller interface for low-jitter communication., , , и . ETFA, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2012)A Prototype Implementation of Wi-Fi Seamless Redundancy with Reactive Duplication Avoidance., , и . ETFA, стр. 179-186. IEEE, (2018)An enhanced MAC to increase reliability in redundant Wi-Fi networks., , , и . WFCS, стр. 1-10. IEEE, (2014)A neural network clock discipline algorithm for the RBIS clock synchronization protocol., , и . WFCS, стр. 1-10. IEEE, (2018)A fixed-priority access scheme for industrial Wi-Fi networks., , , и . IECON, стр. 4633-4638. IEEE, (2016)A socket interface for CAN devices., , и . Comput. Stand. Interfaces, 29 (6): 662-673 (2007)Achieving round-robin access in controller area networks., и . IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 49 (6): 1202-1213 (2002)Efficient implementation of semaphores in controller area networks., и . IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 46 (2): 417-428 (1999)