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Profiling Power Consumption on Desktop Computer Systems., , , and . ICT-GLOW, volume 6868 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 110-123. Springer, (2011)Energy Efficiency of ORM Approaches: an Empirical Evaluation., , and . ESEM, page 36:1-36:10. ACM, (2016)Understanding Green Software Development: A Conceptual Framework., , , and . IT Prof., 17 (1): 44-50 (2015)Empirical validation of cyber-foraging architectural tactics for surrogate provisioning., , , and . J. Syst. Softw., (2018)Green ICT Research and Challenges., , , , and . EnviroInfo (1), page 37-48. Springer Switzerland, Cham, (2016)Four-Dimensional Sustainable E-Services., , and . EnviroInfo, page 221-228. BIS-Verlag, (2014)Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud., , and . WICSA, page 41-44. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)The Green Practitioner: A Decision-Making Tool for Green ICT., , , and . EnviroInfo/ICT4S (1), page 74-81. Atlantis Press, (2015)Energy Efficiency in Cloud Software Architectures., , and . EnviroInfo, page 291-299. Shaker, (2013)Empirical Evaluation of the Energy Impact of Refactoring Code Smells., , , and . ICT4S, volume 52 of EPiC Series in Computing, page 365-383. EasyChair, (2018)