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China intros Godson-3. the Inquirer, (Aug 28, 2008)Knowledge management with patterns., and . Commun. ACM, 46 (7): 94-99 (2003)Health Informatics Education for the Clinical Workforce., , , , and . MedInfo, volume 192 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, page 1233. IOS Press, (2013)Quantitative Domains, Groupoids and Linear Logic.. Category Theory and Computer Science, volume 389 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 155-181. Springer, (1989)Using neural networks to locate pitch accents.. EUROSPEECH, page 1345-1348. ISCA, (1995)Automatic recognition of intonation from F0 contours using the rise/fall/connection model.. EUROSPEECH, page 789-792. ISCA, (1993)A new model of intonation for use with speech synthesis and recognition., and . ICSLP, page 1287-1290. ISCA, (1992)The tilt intonation model.. ICSLP, ISCA, (1998)Assigning intonation elements and prosodic phrasing for English speech synthesis from high level linguistic input., and . ICSLP, page 715-718. ISCA, (1994)Objective distance measures for spectral discontinuities in concatenative speech synthesis., , and . INTERSPEECH, page 2605-2608. ISCA, (2002)