Author of the publication

Design of an Aquaponic Production System for the Quinchas of the Municipality of Otanche - Boyacá, under the Approach of the New Rurality.

, , , and . TEEM, page 219-224. ACM, (2020)

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Design of an Aquaponic Production System for the Quinchas of the Municipality of Otanche - Boyacá, under the Approach of the New Rurality., , , and . TEEM, page 219-224. ACM, (2020)The Evolution from the Environmental Education Model to the Education for Sustainable Development Model. Case Study of Environmental Engineering at Santo Tomas University, Colombia., , , and . TEEM, page 105-113. ACM, (2020)Bioengineering as a Strategy for the Consolidation of Innovation and Technological Development Processes in the Central Zone of Colombia., , and . CISIS-ICEUTE, volume 1400 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 394-401. Springer, (2021)Development of Competencies Applying the Project Method. Application in Environmental Engineering., , , , and . CISIS-ICEUTE, volume 1400 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 374-383. Springer, (2021)Implementing of ICT to Learning - Teaching of Contents in English in Environmental Engineering., , and . ICITS (2), volume 1331 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 83-89. Springer, (2021)A Systematic Review of the Inclusion of Education for Sustainable Development in Environmental Engineering., , and . CISIS-ICEUTE, volume 1400 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 384-393. Springer, (2021)