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Quelles évolutions sur cette loi ? Entre abstraction et hallucination dans le domaine du résumé de textes juridiques., , , и . CORIA-TALN, стр. 18-36. ATALA, (2023)Does Structure Matter? Leveraging Data-to-Text Generation for Answering Complex Information Needs - Abstract., , , , и . CIRCLE, том 3178 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2022)A Survey on XML Focussed Component Retrieval., и . RIAO, стр. 403-417. CID, (2007)DTD Based Costs for Tree-Edit Distance in Structured Information Retrieval., , и . ECIR, том 7814 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 158-170. Springer, (2013)Towards a structure-based multimedia retrieval model., , и . Multimedia Information Retrieval, стр. 350-357. ACM, (2008)Propagation-based Structured Text Retrieval.. Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer US, (2009)Rouletabille at SemEval-2019 Task 4: Neural Network Baseline for Identification of Hyperpartisan Publishers., , , и . SemEval@NAACL-HLT, стр. 981-984. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2019)Using a Content-and-Structure Oriented Method for Relevance Feedback in XML Retrieval., , и . RIAO, стр. 725-737. CID, (2007)What Can Task Teach Us About Query Reformulations?, , и . ECIR (1), том 12035 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 636-650. Springer, (2020)Détection d'hallucinations dans le cadre de la tâche 6 SemEval-Shroom., , , и . CORIA, ARIA, (2024)