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Can School Enrolment and Performance be Improved by Maximizing Students' Sense of Choice in Elective Subjects?

, , and . J. Learn. Anal., 7 (1): 75-87 (March 2020)

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Can School Enrolment and Performance be Improved by Maximizing Students' Sense of Choice in Elective Subjects?, , and . J. Learn. Anal., 7 (1): 75-87 (March 2020)Wrapping the future., , and . IFIP Congress Topical Sessions, volume 156 of IFIP, page 165-173. Kluwer/Springer, (2004)Beehive: A Flexible Network Stack for Direct-Attached Accelerators., , , , and . CoRR, (2024)Brian Randell: A Biographical Note., and . Dependable and Historic Computing, volume 6875 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 7-14. Springer, (2011)Before and After WOWCS: A literature survey, A list of papers we wish had been submitted., and . WOWCS, USENIX Association, (2008)Lessons from railway accidents for autonomous road vehicles., and . EDCC, page 85-88. IEEE, (2024)Robust Correspondenceless 3-D Iris Location for Immersive Environments., , , and . ICIAP, volume 3617 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 123-130. Springer, (2005)Teaching knowledge engineering: Experiences., and . AI in Structural Engineering, volume 1454 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 424-427. Springer, (1998)Aster*x: Load-Balancing Web Traffic over Wide-Area Networks, , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). (2009)GENI Design Principles, , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). Computer, 39 (9): 102-105 (September 2006)