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Do conflict management styles affect group decision making? Evidence from a longitudinal field study, and . Human Communication Research, 26 (4): 558-590 (2000), Letzter Zugriff: 12.12.2004.Using a GDSS to Facilitate Group Consensus: some Intended and Unimtended Consequences., , and . ICIS, page 1. Association for Information Systems, (1987)The impact of electronic communication technology on teamwork: a longinatudinal field study., , , and . SIGCPR, page 382-383. ACM, (1996)Conflict Management and Group Decision Support Systems., , and . CSCW, page 227-243. ACM, (1988)Perspectives on Personalization., and . AMCIS, page 273. Association for Information Systems, (2003)Learning through Telemedicine Networks: The Case Study of a Wound Care Network., , , and . AMCIS, page 37. Association for Information Systems, (2004)Learning Through Telemedicine Networks., and . HICSS, page 174. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Critical success factors for context-aware mobile communication systems., , and . Int. J. Mob. Commun., 7 (3): 290-307 (2009)The future is now: calling for a focus on temporal issues in information system research., , , and . Ind. Manag. Data Syst., 121 (1): 30-47 (2021)Infrastructure for telework: electronic communication at Texaco., , , and . SIGCPR, page 94-102. ACM, (1996)