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Hidden State Conditional Random Field for Abnormal Activity Recognition in Smart Homes., , and . Entropy, 17 (3): 1358-1378 (2015)Distributionally Robust Games: f-Divergence and Learning., , and . VALUETOOLS, page 148-155. ACM, (2017)Enhancing Bug Report Assignment with an Optimized Reduction of Training Set., , , and . KSEM (2), volume 11062 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 36-47. Springer, (2018)AI-Driven Decision Making for Auxiliary Diagnosis of Epidemic Diseases., , and . IEEE Trans. Mol. Biol. Multi Scale Commun., 8 (1): 9-16 (2022)Skew Generalized Quasi-Cyclic Codes over Finite Fields., , and . CoRR, (2013)Quantum codes from (1 - 2v)-constacyclic codes over the ring 픽q + u픽q + v픽q + uv픽q., , and . Discret. Math. Algorithms Appl., 10 (4): 1850046:1-1850046:8 (2018)Diversified Top-k Partial MaxSAT Solving., , , , , and . CoRR, (2017)Rational Polynomial Camera Model Warping for Deep Learning Based Satellite Multi-View Stereo Matching., , and . ICCV, page 6128-6137. IEEE, (2021)Hulls of constacyclic codes over finite non-chain rings and their applications in quantum codes construction., , and . Quantum Inf. Process., 23 (1): 9 (January 2024)\(F_qR\) -linear skew constacyclic codes and their application of constructing quantum codes., , , and . Quantum Inf. Process., 19 (7): 193 (2020)