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Coalition formation in multi-agent systems based on bottlenose dolphin alliances.

, and . ACC, page 3280-3285. IEEE, (2009)

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Coalition formation in multi-agent systems based on bottlenose dolphin alliances., and . ACC, page 3280-3285. IEEE, (2009)Multilevel Coalition Formation Strategy for Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses Missions., , and . J. Aerosp. Inf. Syst., 10 (6): 287-296 (2013)Biologically inspired heterogeneous multi-agent systems.. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, (2010) ( inspired coalition formation of multi-agent systems., , and . AAMAS, page 1427-1428. IFAAMAS, (2010)A Hybrid, Multi-Agent Model of Foraging Bottlenose Dolphins., , and . ADHS, volume 42 of IFAC Proceedings Volumes, page 262-267. Elsevier, (2009)Rendezvous with multiple, intermittent leaders., , and . CDC, page 3733-3738. IEEE, (2009)Optimization of foraging multi-agent system front: A flux-based curve evolution method., , , and . ROBIO, page 859-864. IEEE, (2011)Containment in leader-follower networks with switching communication topologies., , and . Autom., 47 (5): 1035-1040 (2011)First-order, networked control models of swarming silkworm moths., , and . ACC, page 3798-3803. IEEE, (2008)Biologically motivated shape optimization of foraging fronts., , , and . ACC, page 4143-4148. IEEE, (2011)