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A Location-Aware Guide Based on Active RFIDs in Multi-Device Environments., , , и . CADUI, стр. 59-70. Springer, (2008)Effective levels of adaptation to different types of users in interactive museum systems., и . JASIS, 51 (1): 5-13 (2000)Engineering the authoring of usable service front ends, , и . Journal of Systems and Software, 84 (10): 1806 - 1822 (2011)Model-aided Remote Usability Evaluation., и . INTERACT, стр. 434-442. IOS Press, (1999)Modelling Multi-User Tasks., , и . HCI (1), стр. 1088-1092. Lawrence Erlbaum, (1999)Developing Adaptable Hypermedia., и . IUI, стр. 163-170. ACM, (1999)Supporting Adaptivity to Heterogeneous Platforms through User Models., и . Mobile HCI, том 2411 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 409-413. Springer, (2002)A logical framework for multi-device user interfaces., и . EICS, стр. 45-50. ACM, (2012)Enriching web information scent for blind users., , и . ASSETS, стр. 123-130. ACM, (2009)A prototype for EUD in touch-based mobile devices., и . VL/HCC, стр. 83-86. IEEE, (2012)