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Biomimetic Agent Based Modelling Using Male Frog Calling Behaviour as a Case Study., , , и . SAB, том 8575 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 88-97. Springer, (2014)A Braitenberg Lizard: Continuous Phonotaxis with a Lizard Ear Model., , , и . IWINAC (2), том 5602 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 439-448. Springer, (2009)Effects of asymmetry and learning on phonotaxis in a robot based on the lizard auditory system., , и . Adaptive Behaviour, 20 (3): 159-171 (2012)Modelling the Peripheral Auditory System of Lizards., , и . SAB, том 4095 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 65-76. Springer, (2006)Modifying Directionality through Auditory System Scaling in a Robotic Lizard., , и . SAB, том 6226 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 82-92. Springer, (2010)