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A note on the Bernoulli and Euler polynomials.. Appl. Math. Lett., 16 (3): 365-368 (2003)Generalized Bessel numbers and some combinatorial settings., , и . Discret. Math., 313 (20): 2127-2138 (2013)How Sparse Can a Matrix with Orthogonal Rows Be?, и . J. Comb. Theory A, 85 (1): 29-40 (1999)Riordan group involutions and the Delta-sequence., , , и . Discret. Appl. Math., 157 (8): 1696-1701 (2009)Combinatorics of Riordan arrays with identical A and Z sequences., , и . Discret. Math., 312 (12-13): 2040-2049 (2012)Root Polynomials to and From Permanents., , и . Discret. Math., 264 (1-3): 25-36 (2003)On the conjecture for certain Laplacian integral spectrum of graphs., , и . J. Graph Theory, 63 (2): 106-113 (2010)Sparse orthogonal matrices and the Haar wavelet., и . Discret. Appl. Math., 101 (1-3): 63-76 (2000)