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A further empirical investigation of the dividend adjustment process, , и . Journal of Econometrics, 35 (2-3): 267--285 (июля 1987)Risk aversion and the yield of corporate debt, и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 20 (2): 267--281 (марта 1996)How much of the corporate bond spread is due to personal taxes?, , , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 85 (3): 599--636 (сентября 2007)The dynamics of dividends, earnings and prices: evidence and implications for dividend smoothing and signaling, и . Journal of Empirical Finance, 6 (1): 29--58 (января 1999)Time and dynamic volume-volatility relation, , и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 30 (5): 1535--1558 (мая 2006)