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Pattern-guided performance measurements of OO multi-threaded servers., и . CATA, стр. 164-168. ISCA, (1998)Approximate Mean Value Analysis of Client-Server Systems with Multi-class Requests.. SIGMETRICS, стр. 77-86. ACM, (1994)Challenges in Integrating the Analysis of Multiple Non-Functional Properties in Model-Driven Software Engineering.. WOSP-C@ICPE, стр. 41-46. ACM, (2015)User-friendly approach for handling performance parameters during predictive software performance engineering., и . ICPE, стр. 109-120. ACM, (2012)Predicting High-Risk Preterm Birth Using Artificial Neural Networks., , , и . IEEE Trans. Information Technology in Biomedicine, 10 (3): 540-549 (2006)Model-based face and lip animation for interactive virtual reality applications., , , , , и . ACM Multimedia, стр. 559-563. ACM, (2001)Script language for avatar animation in 3D virtual environments., , , и . VECIMS, стр. 101-106. IEEE, (2003)Simplifying Layered Queuing Network Models., , и . EPEW, том 9272 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 65-79. Springer, (2015)Predicting Preterm Birth Using Artificial Neural Networks., , , и . CBMS, стр. 103-108. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Robust Box Bounds: Throughput Guarantees for Closed Multiclass Queueing Networks with Minimal Stochastic Assumptions., , , и . INFOCOM, стр. 2006-2015. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)