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A reduced complexity least squares algorithm for look direction constrained broadband arrays with maximally flat response zeros., и . ISSPA, стр. 863-867. IEEE, (1999)A Low Complexity Downlink Beamforming Scheme for DS-CDMA System., , , и . Wireless Personal Communications, 19 (3): 227-242 (2001)An improved frequency response masking approach for designing sharp FIR filters, , и . Signal Processing, 81 (12): 2573--2581 (декабря 2001)A New Scheme with Controllable Capacity and Fairness for OFDMA Downlink Resource Allocation., и . VTC Fall, стр. 1817-1821. IEEE, (2007)Subspace-Based Multiple Access Suppression in Synchronous Interleaved OFDMA System., и . VTC Fall, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2006)A fast and quality-preserving method for H.264 encoding using dynamic SAD maps., , , , , и . VCIP, том 6508 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 650828. SPIE, (2007)Improving coding efficiency for MPEG-4 Audio Scalable Lossless coding., , , , и . ICASSP (3), стр. 169-172. IEEE, (2005)Audio-visual modeling for bimodal speech recognition., , , , и . SMC, стр. 181-186. IEEE, (2001)Performance analysis of two bridged CSMA/CD networks., , , , и . Comput. Commun., 16 (8): 501-510 (1993)A New Priority Multi-Channel CSMA/CD Protocol., и . ICC, стр. 136-140. IEEE, (1986)