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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

An Intelligent User Interface for Browsing and Search MPEG-7 Images using Concept Lattices, , und . Proceedings of the 4th International Confernce on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, Springer-Verlag, (Oktober 2006)Recent developments in Multiple Inheritance Research. 9 (1): 21-55 (1994)survey paper on multiple inheritance.How compatiable are belief revision and mixed initiative human-computer dialogue, und . 2nd Australian Cognitive Science Conference, Seite 78-84. University of Queensland, (1995)WebKB-GE - A Visual Editor for Canonical Conceptual Graphs, , und . Proceedings 6th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, 1453, Seite 111-118. Springer Verlag, (1998)WWW Indexation and Document Navigation using Conceptual Structures, und . 2nd IEEE Conference on Intelligent Information Processing Systems (ICIPS), Seite 217-221. IEEE Press, (1998)Machine Learning Classifier Performance as an Indicator for Data Acquisition Regimes in Geographical Field Surveys, und . Australian and New Zealand Conference on Intelligent Information Systems, ANZIIS-95, Seite 45-50. (1995)Evaluating Distributed Graphical User Interface Communication, und . AusWeb'99. The 5th Australian World Wide Web Conf., Southern Cross University Press, Lismore, (1999)Logic-Based Networks: Conceptual Graphs and Conceptual Structures. 7th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, 1867, Seite 339-420. Springer Verlag, (2000)invited paper at ICCS, good summary of KVO's work at the time.Visual Structure Representations and Conceptual Graphs, und . Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Seite 76-80. Department of Computer Science, University California, Santa Cruz, (1995)Andrew's ideas about canonical rules driving the editing interface to CGs, later implemented in WebKB-GE by Simon.Future Trends in Information Technology. (1999)