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Modified IDCT kernel for down-conversion of MPEG-2 compressed video., , , and . IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, 45 (2): 340-344 (1999)A fast multiresolution feature matching algorithm for exhaustive search in large image databases., , and . IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn., 11 (5): 673-678 (2001)Fast Prediction for Suspect Candidates from Criminal Networks., , , , , and . BigComp, page 353-355. IEEE, (2023)CARTE: Pretraining and Transfer for Tabular Learning., , and . ICML,, (2024)A Fast Descriptor Matching Algorithm for Exhaustive Search in Large Databases., , and . IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, volume 2195 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 732-739. Springer, (2001)Mutual Domain Adaptation., , , and . Pattern Recognit., (January 2024)Fast Integration for Multiple Graphs with Neumann Approximation., , and . BigComp, page 100-104. IEEE, (2023)An Efficient Video Down Conversion Algorithm Using Modified IDCT Basis Functions., , , and . ICIP (2), page 914-918. IEEE, (1999)A generalized utilization bound test for fixed-priority real-time scheduling., , , and . RTCSA, page 73-. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Fast multiresolution search algorithm for optimal retrieval in large multimedia databases., , and . Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases, volume 3972 of SPIE Proceedings, page 215-221. SPIE, (2000)