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Machine Learning for Performance-Aware Virtual Network Function Placement., , , , , , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2019)Exploring Microservices as the Architecture of Choice for Network Function Virtualization Platforms., , и . IEEE Netw., 33 (2): 202-210 (2019)Software defined networking: State of the art and research challenges., , , , и . Comput. Networks, (2014)ML-Based Dynamic Scaling and Traffic Forecasting for 5G O-RAN., и . DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech, стр. 444-451. IEEE, (2023)Availability Analysis of Cloud Deployed Applications., , , и . IC2E, стр. 234-235. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)High availability-aware optimization digest for applications deployment in cloud., , и . ICC, стр. 6822-6828. IEEE, (2015)Mitigating the Risk of Cloud Services Downtime Using Live Migration and High Availability-Aware Placement., , , и . CloudCom, стр. 578-583. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Machine Learning for Edge-Aware Resource Orchestration for IoT Applications., и . GCAIoT, стр. 37-44. IEEE, (2021)Survey of fault management techniques for edge-enabled distributed metaverse applications., и . Comput. Networks, (2024)A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Poor Mental Health of Intimate Partner Violence Survivors., , и . ACTEA, стр. 89-92. IEEE, (2023)