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Human-Robot Upper Body Gesture Imitation Analysis for Autism Spectrum Disorders., , , , , , и . ICSR, том 8239 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 218-228. Springer, (2013)A Feature Extraction Metod for Multimedia data Analysis in Robot Wireless Sensor Networks., , , , , и . WIAMIS, стр. 79. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Multiphysics Dynamic Model Validation Methodology for Laser-Driven Microrobots., , , , , , и . CASE, стр. 1555-1561. IEEE, (2019)Design, Fabrication and Experimental Validation of a Steerable, Laser-Driven Microrobot in Dry Environments., , , , , и . CASE, стр. 882-887. IEEE, (2020)Assessment of BCI Performance for Human-Robot Interaction., , , , и . PETRA, ACM, (2024)Collision-free trajectory generation on assistive robot Neptune., и . PETRA, стр. 23. ACM, (2012)Enhanced therapeutic interactivity using social robot Zeno., , , и . PETRA, стр. 57. ACM, (2011)Service robotics for the home: a state of the art review., , и . PETRA, стр. 35:1-35:8. ACM, (2014)A novel EMG-free prosthetic interface system using intra-socket force measurement and pinch gestures., , , и . PETRA, стр. 72:1-72:8. ACM, (2015)Control of Head-Eye Coordination of Conversational Robotic Actors., и . SyRoCo, том 42 из IFAC Proceedings Volumes, стр. 729-734. International Federation of Automatic Control, (2009)