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Risk-Based Trade-Off Between Verification and Validation - An Industry-Motivated Study., и . PROFES, том 3547 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 443-457. Springer, (2005)Assuring Fault Classification Agreement -- An Empirical Evaluation., и . ISESE, стр. 95-104. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Consolidating different views of quality attribute relationships., и . WoSQ@ICSE, стр. 46-50. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)A Fault-Driven Lightweight Process Improvement Approach., , и . EUROMICRO, стр. 343-350. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)A Legacy Game for Project Management in Software Engineering Courses., , и . ECSEE, стр. 72-76. ACM, (2018)