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The Effects of Generating More Offspring from Less-Fit Parents.

, , , , , , , , und . Evolutionary Programming, Seite 437-447. A Bradford Book, MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts., (1995)

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The Effects of Generating More Offspring from Less-Fit Parents., , , , , , , , und . Evolutionary Programming, Seite 437-447. A Bradford Book, MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts., (1995)Ising anti-ferromagnets on Husimi trees and the re-entrant phase for three-dimensional lattices. Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 206 (1-2): 218--228 (01.05.1994)Arabic literary elements in the structure of the Libro de buen amor (II). Al-Qanṭara, 32 (2): 307--332 (Dezember 2011)The bilayer Ising model and a generalized Husimi tree approximation. Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 335 (3-4): 563--576 (15.04.2004)Frustrated Ising systems on Husimi trees. Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 256 (1-2): 217--228 (15.07.1998)