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A Trial Robotic Wheel Unit for Mobile Platform., , , , and . RCAR, page 755-760. IEEE, (2019)Approximating Minimum Bending Energy Path in a Simple Corridor., , and . ISAAC (1), volume 6506 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 328-339. Springer, (2010)Holistic Brain Tumor Screening and Classification Based on DenseNet and Recurrent Neural Network., , , , , , and . BrainLes@MICCAI (1), volume 11383 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 208-217. Springer, (2018)Computing Maximum Association Graph in Microscopic Nucleus Images., , , , , , and . MICCAI (2), volume 6362 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 530-537. Springer, (2010)An Efficient Sum Query Algorithm for Distance-Based Locally Dominating Functions., and . Algorithmica, 82 (9): 2415-2431 (2020)Learning Manifold Implicitly via Explicit Heat-Kernel Learning., , and . NeurIPS, (2020)Optimizing the sum of linear fractional functions and applications., , , , , and . SODA, page 707-716. ACM/SIAM, (2000)On Differentially Private Stochastic Convex Optimization with Heavy-tailed Data., , , and . ICML, volume 119 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, page 10081-10091. PMLR, (2020)Gauging Association Patterns of Chromosome Territories via Chromatic Median., , , and . CVPR, page 1296-1303. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Customer Satisfaction Evaluation for Mobile Commerce Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation., , , and . ISECS, page 679-682. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)