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What is Web 2.0: Ideas, technologies and implications for education. JISC, (2007)Comparisons of Knowledge Graphs and Entity Extraction in Breast Cancer Subtyping Biomedical Text Analysis., , , , , , , , и . IWBBIO (2), том 13347 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 249-259. Springer, (2022)Planning Configuration Relocation on the BonFIRE Infrastructure., и . CloudCom (2), стр. 164-169. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)978-0-7695-5095-4.Dynamic Reconfiguration for Grid Fabrics., и . GRID, стр. 86-93. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Prometheus: User-Controlled P2P Social Data Management for Socially-Aware Applications., , , , , и . Middleware, том 6452 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 212-231. Springer, (2010)A Declarative Approach to Automated Configuration., , и . LISA, стр. 51-66. USENIX Association, (2012)Towards a High-Level Machine Configuration System.. LISA, USENIX, (1994)Toward Provenance-Based Security for Configuration Languages., и . TaPP, USENIX Association, (2012)Formalising Configuration Languages: Why is this Important in Practice?, и . LISA, стр. 145-146. USENIX Association, (2014)muPuppet: A Declarative Subset of the Puppet Configuration Language., , , и . ECOOP, том 74 из LIPIcs, стр. 12:1-12:27. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2017)