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Other publications of authors with the same name

On Directed Graphs with an Upward Straight-line., , , , , , and . CCCG, page 21-24. (2009)Characterization of Unlabeled Level Planar Trees., , and . GD, volume 4372 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 367-379. Springer, (2006)On the Characterization of Level Planar Trees by Minimal Patterns., , and . GD, volume 5849 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 69-80. Springer, (2009)Upward straight-line embeddings of directed graphs into point sets., , , , , , and . Comput. Geom., 43 (2): 219-232 (2010)Upward Straight-Line Embeddings of Directed Graphs into Point Sets., , and . WG, volume 5344 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 122-133. (2008)Graph Simultaneous Embedding Tool, GraphSET., , and . GD, volume 5417 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 169-180. Springer, (2008)Colored Simultaneous Geometric Embeddings and Universal Pointsets., , and . CCCG, page 17-20. (2009)Fault Tolerance and Scalability of the Reconfigurable Mesh., , and . IPDPS, IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Shasta: Interactive Reporting At Scale., , , , , , , , , and 7 other author(s). SIGMOD Conference, page 1393-1404. ACM, (2016)