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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

A small world approach for scalable and resilient position estimation algorithms for wireless sensor networks., , , , , und . MOBIWAC, Seite 71-78. ACM, (2012)SoLVE: A Localization System Framework for VANets using the Cloud and Fog Computing., , , , und . DIVANet@MSWiM, Seite 17-22. ACM, (2017)Real-time tasks and voltage/frequency controller collaboration on low power energy operational systems., , , , und . SAMOS, Seite 47-54. IEEE, (2016)Localization Prediction in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks., , , , , und . IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials, 20 (4): 2784-2803 (2018)A small world model to improve synchronization algorithms for wireless sensor networks., , , , und . ISCC, Seite 229-234. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)A Novel RSSI-based Algorithm for Detect and Bypass Routing Holes in Wireless Sensor Networks., , und . ISCC, Seite 986-989. IEEE, (2018)Directed position estimation: a recursive localization approach for wireless sensor networks., , , und . ICCCN, Seite 557-562. IEEE, (2005)An enhanced location-free Greedy Forward algorithm with hole bypass capability in wireless sensor networks., , , , , und . J. Parallel Distributed Comput., (2015)Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: A New Challenge for Localization-Based Systems., , , und . Comput. Commun., 31 (12): 2838-2849 (2008)A reactive role assignment for data routing in event-based wireless sensor networks., , , , , und . Comput. Networks, 53 (12): 1980-1996 (2009)