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A Socially-Aware, Privacy-Preserving, and Scalable Federated Learning Protocol for Distributed Online Social Networks.

, и . AINA (2), том 450 из Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, стр. 192-203. Springer, (2022)

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A Socially-Aware, Privacy-Preserving, and Scalable Federated Learning Protocol for Distributed Online Social Networks., и . AINA (2), том 450 из Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, стр. 192-203. Springer, (2022)Short: Gossip-Based Sampling in Social Overlays., и . NETYS, том 8593 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 335-340. Springer, (2014)A scalable and low latency probe-based scheduler for data analytics frameworks., и . Parallel Comput., (2021)Scalable and Distributed Resource Management Protocols for Cloud and Big Data Clusters.. University of Sydney, Australia, (2018) (