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Edge-Guided Contrastive Adaptation Network for Arteriovenous Nicking Classification Using Synthetic Data., , , , , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 43 (3): 1237-1246 (марта 2024)A search index-enhanced feature model for news recommendation., , и . J. Inf. Sci., 43 (3): 328-341 (2017)The implementation of stigmergy in network-assisted multi-agent system., , , , и . MobiCom, стр. 68:1-68:2. ACM, (2020)Using Markov Decision Process Model with Logic Scoring of Preference Model to Optimize HTN Web Services Composition., , и . Int. J. Web Serv. Res., 8 (2): 53-73 (2011)A Unified Runtime for PGAS and Event-Driven Programming., , , , , , и . ESPM2@SC, стр. 46-53. IEEE, (2018)Beyond the Click-Through Rate: Web Link Selection with Multi-level Feedback., , , и . IJCAI, стр. 3308-3314., (2018)Tracking and removal of suspended matter from underwater video images., , , , и . QCAV, том 10338 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 103380Y. SPIE, (2017)Lithium-ion battery state of charge estimation based on dynamic neural network and Kalman filter., , , , и . ICPHM, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2018)An Adaptive Metadata Model for Domain-Specific Service Registry., , , , и . ICDCIT, том 4882 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 277-282. Springer, (2007)Markov-HTN Planning Approach to Enhance Flexibility of Automatic Web Service Composition., , и . ICWS, стр. 9-16. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)