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Application of a human auditory model to loudness perception and hearing compensation.

, , , and . ICASSP, page 3527-3530. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)

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High-speed convolution and correlation.. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference, volume 28 of AFIPS Conference Proceedings, page 229-233. AFIPS / Spartan Books / ACM, (1966)Vector quantization of color digital images within a human visual model., , , and . ICASSP, page 816-819. IEEE, (1988)An automated film reader for DNA sequencing based on homomorphic deconvolution., , and . IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 41 (6): 509-519 (1994)Subband Vector Quantization of Images Using Hexagonal Filter Banks., , and . Data Compression Conference, page 2-11. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)Optimal previsualized image vector quantization., and . ICASSP, page 1763-1766. IEEE, (1989)An optimal design procedure for intraband vector quantized subband coding., , and . IEEE Trans. Commun., 43 (2/3/4): 523-533 (1995)Application of a human auditory model to loudness perception and hearing compensation., , , and . ICASSP, page 3527-3530. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)