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Um Framework para Integração Materializada de Documentos XBRL., , , and . SBBD, page 226-240. SBC, (2009)Especificação e Avaliação de Algoritmos para Processamento Multidimensional-Geográfico., , , , , , and . SBBD, page 61-75. SBC, (2008)MAPMOLTY: A Web Tool for Discovering Place Loyalty Based on Mobile Crowdsource Data., , , and . ICWE, volume 8541 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 528-531. Springer, (2014)Providing OLAP Interoperability with OLAPWare., , and . SCCC, page 167-. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Providing Geographic-Multidimensional Decision Support over the Web., , , and . APWeb, volume 3399 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 477-488. Springer, (2005)Towards the Identification of Semantic Points in Trajectories of Moving Objects with Weighted Averages., , and . GEOINFO, page 70-81. MCTIC/INPE, (2020)The impact of spatial data redundancy on SOLAP query performance., , , , and . J. Braz. Comput. Soc., 15 (2): 19-34 (2009)A Performance Comparison among the Traditional R-trees, the Hilbert R-tree and the SR-tree., , , , and . SCCC, page 3-12. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)A spatio-temporal network model to represent and analyze LBSNs., , and . PerCom Workshops, page 142-147. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)A Framework for ETL Systems Development., , and . J. Inf. Data Manag., 3 (3): 300-315 (2012)