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Received Signal Strength Based Target Localization and Tracking Using Wireless Sensor Networks, , and . Springer, (2022)Conditional Variational Autoencoder for Prediction and Feature Recovery Applied to Intrusion Detection in IoT., , , and . Sensors, 17 (9): 1967 (2017)Traffic-Aware Secured Cooperative Framework for IoT-Based Smart Monitoring in Precision Agriculture., , , , and . Sensors, 22 (17): 6676 (2022)An IoT Group-Based Protocol for Smart City Interconnection., , , and . ICSC-Cities, volume 978 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 164-178. Springer, (2018)Can Critical Real-Time Services of Public Infrastructures Run over Ethernet and MPLS Networks?., , , and . Networking, volume 4982 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 289-301. Springer, (2008)An Optimized Probabilistic Routing Protocol Based on Scheduling Mechanism for Delay Tolerant Network., , and . TRIDENTCOM, volume 177 of Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, page 148-157. Springer, (2016)Water Conductivity Sensor based on Coils to Detect Illegal Dumpings in Smart Cities., , , , and . FMEC, page 324-329. IEEE, (2019)The influence of meteorological variables on the performance of outdoor wireless local area networks., , , and . ICC, page 5418-5422. IEEE, (2012)Synchronization for Diffusion-Based Molecular Communication Systems via Faster Molecules., , , , and . ICC, page 1-5. IEEE, (2019)HAWK-i: a remote and lightweight thermal imaging-based crowd screening framework., , , , , , , and . MobiCom, page 885-887. ACM, (2021)