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Asynchronous Distributed Optimization Via Randomized Dual Proximal Gradient., and . IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 62 (5): 2095-2106 (2017)Distributed big-data optimization via block communications., , , and . CAMSAP, page 1-5. IEEE, (2017)Distributed consensus on enclosing shapes and minimum time rendezvous., and . CDC, page 4295-4300. IEEE, (2006)Distributed robust optimization via Cutting-Plane Consensus., , and . CDC, page 7457-7463. IEEE, (2012)Trajectory Manifold Exploration for the PVTOL aircraft., , and . CDC/ECC, page 5848-5853. IEEE, (2005)Dynamics exploration and aggressive maneuvering of a Longitudinal Vectored Thrust VTOL aircraft., , and . CDC/ECC, page 8106-8111. IEEE, (2011)A System Theoretical Perspective to Gradient-Tracking Algorithms for Distributed Quadratic Optimization., , , and . CDC, page 2994-2999. IEEE, (2019)Derivative-Free Data-Driven Control of Continuous-Time Linear Time-Invariant Systems., , , , and . CoRR, (2024)Distributed Submodular Minimization via Block-Wise Updates and Communications., , and . CoRR, (2019)Distributed quadratic programming under asynchronous and lossy communications via Newton-Raphson consensus., , , and . ECC, page 2514-2520. IEEE, (2015)