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Sequential convex programming MPC for dynamic vehicle collision avoidance., , и . CCTA, стр. 2202-2207. IEEE, (2017)Vehicle Cabin Climate MPC Parameter Tuning Using Constrained Contextual Bayesian Optimization (C-CMES)., , , и . ITSC, стр. 1598-1603. IEEE, (2023)Experimental Validation of Model Predictive Charging Pressure and EGR Rate Control for an SI Engine., , , , , и . CCTA, стр. 415-422. IEEE, (2020)Parameter Space Approach for Performance Mapping Using Lyapunov Stability., , , , и . MED, стр. 121-126. IEEE, (2018)Surface Defect Detection for Automated Inspection Systems using Convolutional Neural Networks., , и . MED, стр. 75-80. IEEE, (2019)Optimization Approaches for Model Predictive Power Flow Control in Hybrid Fuel Cell Systems., , и . IECON, стр. 4575-4582. IEEE, (2019)Time-Optimal Multi-Stage NMPC for In-Cycle Control of Free-Piston Linear Generators., , и . ACC, стр. 4783-4790. IEEE, (2021)Evaluation of Data Enhanced Model Predictive Control for a Coupled Tank System., , и . CCTA, стр. 79-84. IEEE, (2023)Comparison of Hardware-in-the-Loop Control Methods for Wind Turbine Drive Trains on System Test Benches., , , , и . ECC, стр. 1193-1198. IEEE, (2021)Real-time Multi-Object Tracking using Adaptive Filtering and Filter Banks for Maritime Applications., , , , , , и . ECC, стр. 2239-2244. IEEE, (2021)