Author of the publication

A "Divide and Conquer" Algorithm for Hilbert-Poincaré Series, Multiplicity and Dimension of Monomial Ideals.

, , , and . AAECC, volume 673 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 76-88. Springer, (1993)

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Computing the topology of real algebraic surfaces., , , and . ISSAC, page 92-100. ACM, (2002)Algorithms for the Shape of Semialgebraic Sets. A New Approach., , and . AAECC, volume 539 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1-18. Springer, (1991)Newton Symmetric Functions and the Arithmetic of Algebraically Closed Fields., and . AAECC, volume 356 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 216-224. Springer, (1987)A Strategy-Accurate Parallel Buchberger Algorithm., and . PASCO, page 12-21. World Scientific, (1994)Experimenting the Gröbner Basis Algorithm with the A1PI System., and . ISSAC, page 192-198. ACM, (1989)Efficient Algorithms for Ideal Operations (extended abstract)., and . ISSAC, page 147-152. ACM, (1998)Öne Sugar cube, Please" or Selection Strategies in the Buchberger Algorithm., , , , and . ISSAC, page 49-54. ACM, (1991)Yet Another Ideal Decomposition Algorithm., , and . AAECC, volume 1255 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 39-54. Springer, (1997)Algebraic and Semialgebraic Proofs: Methods and Paradoxes., and . Automated Deduction in Geometry, volume 2061 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 83-103. Springer, (2000)Hilbert Stratification and Parametric Gröbner Bases., , and . CASC, volume 3718 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 220-235. Springer, (2005)