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Investigation of ground effect on aerodynamic forces and three-dimensional flow structures for a flapping wing., , , и . URAI, стр. 738-740. IEEE, (2013)Development of a locust-like jumping mechanism., , и . URAI, стр. 591-593. IEEE, (2011)Design of soft actuator using 3D-printed composite., , , и . URAI, стр. 79-80. IEEE, (2017)Adaptive system identification using multilayer neural networks and Gaussian potential function networks., и . ICNN, стр. 2261-2265. IEEE, (1996)Network complexity and generalization., и . ICNN, стр. 298-301. IEEE, (1997)Temporal filtering of visual speech for audio-visual speech recognition in acoustically and visually challenging environments., и . ICMI, стр. 220-227. ACM, (2007)The dynamic characteristics of LIPCA and its application for mimicking insect flapping motion., , , и . IROS, стр. 131-136. IEEE, (2008)Improvement of stability for vertical take-off of an insect-mimicking flapping-wing system., , , , и . URAI, стр. 872. IEEE, (2011)Evaluation of artificial muscle using SMA spring bundle with highcapacity and power density., и . URAI, стр. 81-82. IEEE, (2017)On-line Handwritten Character Recognition by a Hybrid Method based on Neural Networks and Pattern Matching., , и . IWANN, том 930 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 926-933. Springer, (1995)