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Rational kooperative Erkennung von Interdatenbankabhängigkeiten. Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Dissertation, (1996)Critical Node Detection Problem Solving on GPU and in the Cloud., and . HPCC/CSS/ICESS, page 52-57. IEEE, (2015)Hybrid Online POMDP Planning and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Safer Self-Driving Cars., and . IV, page 1013-1020. IEEE, (2019)Larks: Dynamic Matchmaking Among Heterogeneous Software Agents in Cyberspace., , , and . Auton. Agents Multi Agent Syst., 5 (2): 173-203 (2002)AGRICOLA - Agenten für mobile Planungsdienste in der Landwirtschaft, and . KI, 18 (1): 38-42 (2004)Privacy-Preserving Discovery of Frequent Patterns in Time Series., and . ICDM, volume 4597 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 318-328. Springer, (2007)WSMO-MX: A Logic Programming Based Hybrid Service Matchmaker., and . ECOWS, page 161-170. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)e COOP: Privacy-Preserving Dynamic Coalition Formation for Power Regulation in the Smart Grid., , and . AT, volume 8068 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 19-31. Springer, (2013)Information Flow Analysis Based Security Checking of Health Service Composition Plans., , and . ECEH, volume P-91 of LNI, page 59-70. GI, (2006)Model-Driven Semantic Service Matchmaking for Collaborative Business Processes., , and . SMRR, volume 416 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2008)